Chance to USE the Enigma codebreaker at Russian Arctic Convoy Museum Project...
In a serious coup, the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum Project group have secured the appearance during their World War II and the Arctic Convoys event, from 7-12 May 2012, of the world famous World War...
View ArticleTrailblazing week-long WWII and Arctic Convoy event sparks action
The hugely successful WWII event organised last week by the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum Project at Aultbea in Wester Ross, has given a major boost to the fundraising efforts for the ambitious Wester...
View ArticleCumberbatch and Knightley in The Imitation Game at Tarbert Fim Club
Tarbert Film Club’s next screening – on 11th April – will be of the acclaimed movie, The Imitation Game’, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley.Mathematician Alan Turing [Benedict...
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